Coronavirus Information and Prevention Tips

Washing Your Hands is Essential!

For information, go to the CDC Website:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary

Symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure.

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath

When to Seek Medical Attention

  • Trouble Breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face

Our main goal is Prevention! Prevention is Supportive!

  • Wash Hands
  • Don’t go out in crowds
  • Don’t go out if you are sick
  • If sickness is in your area, don’t go out unless necessary or emergency
  • Wear amask if you are sick
  • Heed the advice of medical professionals, NOT social media
  • Go to the CDC website (link listed above) for any information, and TRUST the information provided
  • For information orassistance, call the OSDH at
    (877) 215-8336

Should People Wear Surgical Masks When They Go Out?

Yes, if you have even a mild cough. This will minimize infected droplets from your mouth and nose. Staying home, if possible, is preferable. Washing your hands often is essential.

But remember that masks offer minimal protection to the individual. Surgical masks (the “blue ones”) are not designed to catch droplets of the person wearing them, primarily to keep surgeons from contaminating a surgical site.

Even the special N-95 filter masks, designed to be true virus protection and now in short supply, are effective only if properly fitted and worn over clean-shaven faces. To those in healthcare — get fit-tested immediately, shave your beards and resist the temptation to hoard the masks at home. Hospitals will need these masks on hand and must immediately enact measures to ensure that mask theft is eliminated.

Should I Be Worried?

The answer is yes, but only to an appropriate degree. This will get worse before it gets better. We don’t know if it will go away when it gets warm (keep an eye on transmission in the tropics), nor do we know for sure if reinfection is possible.

One thing is certain: panic helps nobody. Heed the advice of medical professionals, not social media. Trust the US CDC recommendations and be confident in the fact that every physician, nurse, EMS worker, and healthcare administrator is giving Covid-19 their fullest attention.
